Sunday, May 03, 2009

Energy Transference

A very good friend of mine is in Pittsburgh this weekend to run in the Pittsburgh Marathon.  Because he is someone I care about I committed to stand at a location in the race just to cheer him on.  My home is located right along the race route so I was able to tell him precisely where I would be standing.  My house is one block away from the six mile marker.  As I waited for Howard to run past my location I saw a number of faces that I knew well and others that I merely recognized.  As either they saw me or I saw them I shouted out encouragement and usually they shouted back.  I saw Tom Hardiman, the father of my son’s classmate as he ran by participating in a relay race, I saw Shannah Tharp-Taylor as she participated as a walker in the half-marathon, and I saw a local newscaster that I recognized but could not quite place (turned out it was Andy Sheehan).  There were lots of faces in the crowd.  Finally, I saw Howard.  He was dressed in black, and had his ever present smile.

As I saw Howard approaching I was impressed with how fit and strong he looked.  Certainly not the image of a gaunt runner but rather the image of a man that is taking excellent care of his body, but if you knew Howard you would also know that he is taking care of his mind and spirit as well.  As he passed by me I felt emotion welling up in me as I thought about the effort he was putting forth today.  I thought of the physical commitment to run the 26 miles, and the mental commitment to complete the race fighting off fatigue and all sorts of emotions.  This is not Howard’s first Marathon, but it is his first in Pittsburgh.  I can only wonder what he must feel as he runs through the streets in the area near where he grew up. 

As Howard passed me he raised his hand in a high five.  I raised mine and we slapped as hard as we could.  That is when I felt it.  When I touched Howard’s hand there was an energy transference that was instantaneous.  I felt in that moment his strength and my intention was to pass along mine.  I don’t think he needed it.  He seemed to posses all the power necessary to complete his race.  I know this because Howard is a runner and like runners do, he was running. 

Runners run.  This inspired me to remember that writers write, teachers teach, coaches coach, and leaders lead.  The point is that what you are should be reflected in what you do.  When we do what we do best we experience energy and that energy is transferable.  Right now as I write this Howard is still running.  He is approaching the 14.7 mile mark.  I am almost finished writing, but I will always remember that moment when we slapped our hands together.  It will be one of my favorite memories and I am certain it will be the precursor to a great day for Howard and his family.  Run Howard because that is what runners do.

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