Saturday, August 06, 2011

Converting Energy

I have often thought that people touch the lives of other people in such a way that when the encounters ensue there is a transference of energy.  This transference can be reflected in emotions we feel in the presence of another.  Often times it comes just by being in proximity to another person, or sometimes it comes when we make physical contact such as a high five, a handshake, hug or a gentle touch.  At times it even comes when people are far apart simply when we think of another.  I believe that once we enter into relationships with people that the transference is always there ebbing and flowing much like currents of electricity.  Make no mistake this transference is not always positive.  There are people that do literally ignite us in positive ways with their presence and of course there are those that promote an equal and opposite response.  I think that it is also true that the same person can give us both positive and negative energy depending on the interaction.  The positive interactions can cause us to do so many wonderful things and aids in creating positive connections among people.  However, those negative interactions and the negative transference of energy that at times may accompany those interactions can be quite destructive.  
I want to focus for this post on the negative transference of energy.  I have seen in many people what can happen when there is a negative transference of energy.  I have seen stress, sleeplessness, agitation and even depression as an outcome of these interactions.  I have also seen first hand how the negative transference can distract, debilitate and even destroy a person.  This causes me to wonder whether or not it is possible to use negative energy for positive purposes.  That is to say could we take the negative and literally convert the current to create something positive from those very same feelings.  
A quick look through some of the famous persons in history suggest that perhaps it is not only possible to change the way the energy is used but it might well be that for more than a few of those persons the negative energy in fact inspired their greatness.  One example I often think of is that of Ernest Hemingway.  It is well known that he was a heavy drinker (that is putting it mildly) yet it is also believed that he did some of his best writing if not the majority of his writing while under the influence of alcohol.  Andy Warhol while incredibly creative also lived what some view as a tortured life.  Vincent van Gogh created some of his greatest masterpieces in his dark period succeeding the death of his father and during periods of intense loneliness.  And finally, Albert Einstein discovered and even worked through some of his most challenging thoughts and ideas while estranged from and corresponding with his soon to be ex-wife.  
Each of these people I believe managed to harness the energy that was negative in their lives and channel that energy to some positive result.  While a closer look at these individuals might also suggest that at some point their behaviors were ultimately destructive, we can perhaps see at least for a period of time that they were able to harness those energies and turn them in to something positive, productive and even beautiful.
It seems to me that perhaps how we experience those negative emotions in our lives is subject to what we choose to do.  We can choose to hold the negative and suffer or use what is pure energy and convert that to something which drives a positive result.  Can we take something that on its face seems not to serve us well and use it to inspire our greatness.  Or, like so many do we take the hurts and pains of life and allow them to drag us down.  In so doing perhaps we also then take our own pain and inflict pain upon others.  I think we can make a choice to use the negative to create the positive.  We can take our own pains and create joy.  We can choose not to suffer and instead share light.  To my thinking this would seem like an ideal way to use something that could be harmful and yet create something wonderful.  Like all things in life I believe that it all comes down to the choices we make.
Choose well.

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